In this lesson, we will learn about the Conditional Type 2. We use the conditional type 2 when we want talk about events that are not true, events that couldn’t happen in the present or the future.
Its form is: If+Subject+Verb (simple past)+Subject+Would+Verb
The sentence is composed of two parts, the Conditional clause & the Main clause.
The conditional clause is formed by if+simple past and the main clause is formed by would+verb.
It’s not obligatory that the conditional clause be the first. The main clause can be the first and in this case there’s no need to add the comma which separates the two clauses.
Let’s look at one example sentence: If I worked hard, I would pass the test.
“If + (I worked hard)” is the if+Simple past. “I would+pass the test” is the would+verb. This formula is very consistent as we can see the following examples:
If it rained, we would get wet.
If you fell, you would get hurt.
If I bought food, you would eat it.
You can also swap the clauses around:
You would be tired if you went to bed late.
You would be on time if you went on the subway.
She would be full if she ate the pizza.
Let’s look at some new examples but this time with the word, “not”:
If you woke up early, you would not miss the train.
If he called me, I would not have known.
You would be on time if you didn’t sleep late.
You can also start the sentence with “if I was…”:
If I was the President of the United States, I would be a great leader.
If I was a billionaire, I would have no problems.
It’s fine to replace “if I was” with “if I were”:
If I were a billionaire, I would have no problems.
You can also use modal verbs instead of “would” to change the meaning of the sentence:
If it snowed, we might get cold.
If it rained, we could get wet.
Let’s do some exercises with what we have learned already. Please create 6 sentences using conditional type 2.